APBT Games
It was a good evening of poker at CC’s with Kuro, Francase, Skidoo, and Ben. It will be great if we can make this a regular event. I certainly need to get out of the house, away from the computer, experience more physical card handling, and get in some live play. This was good for all of those.
So what did I learn? Other than that I suck, but I knew that going in, so no learning there. I think I only played about 3 hands well the entire night. Those where the only hands that I was not talking, thought the hand through, and bet like I meant it. The rest of the time I was either too tight, weakly folding to reraises, calling trash trying to not to look too tight, or floundering in mixed games that I don’t play well enough to do anything but get lucky.
Yeah, writing that is giving it away, but not so much that you wouldn’t be able to learn within ten minutes across the table from me so I am not worried. It’s not nearly as big a tell as dropping the pneumatic on the chair every time I had a big hand: Get Dealt a decent hand, shift leg to sit up, SSSSHHTTTSSSTHHT, CLUNK, I am six inches shorter betting with my chin on the table edge. Everybody folds. I tried faking it a couple of times, but it just did not have the same affect. Gotta work on that.
These are the games I remember playing:
- NL Hold Em
- PLO8
- Pineapple
- Pot Limit Pineapple
- 2-7 Triple Draw
- Razz
- Stud
- 7 Stud 8
Now where did I stash that copy of Super System…
Imported from an old blog. Some links might be dead. Let me know if you find dead links.